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3D Data Exploration

  1. Use the 3D bounding box by clicking Draw. Note: the bounding box must be drawn within the domain for the tool to work successfully.

Caution: Large 3D domains may have slow performance which is dependent on the user’s computer hardware. 

  1. Select 3D View

Configuration Tools:

  • ETA Layers - Select the number of model layers to include in the visualization

  • Height Scale - Define the vertical exaggeration multiplier

  • Resolution - Define the multiplier for decreasing horizontal resolution.  This may be desirable to increase performance with large domains.  It will default to the model’s horizontal resolution.

Viewer Tools:

  • Transparency - Adjust the transparency of the layer

  • Height - Adjust the vertical plane in which the cross-section is drawn

  • Latitude - Adjust the latitudinal plane in which the cross-section is drawn

  • Longitude - Adjust the latitudinal plane in which the cross-section is drawn

 Pro Tip: The section planes can also be adjusted by clicking within the domain extent.  

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