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Map Tools

The map tools feature is located in the upper left-hand corner of the map.


image-20240501-015506.png Zoom in

image-20240501-015536.png Zoom out

image-20240501-015606.png Reset to north

image-20240501-015705.png Measure (click once on the map to start the measure tool. As you click on the map, the tool will keep an accumulated count. Click image-20240501-015705.png once more to dismiss the tool).

image-20240501-015740.png Create polygon ignition (interactive with the map display).

image-20240501-015840.png Create point ignition (interactive with the map display).

image-20240501-015910.png Load a GeoJSON file (import a perimeter).

Note: the tools create point and polygon ignition, and load a GeoJSON file require permissions on your account.

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