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Statistical Terms Defined

E: “Expected”

C: “Conditional”

Min: Minimum

Max: Maximum


Stddev: Standard Deviation

20th: 20th percentile 

40th: 40th percentile

60th: 60th percentile

80th: 80th percentile

90th: 90th percentile

95th: 95th percentile

98th: 98th percentile

AIP Count: Auto Isolation Point - Count of the number of zones

Line Miles: line miles per circuit


Risk Metrics: Buildings Impacted, Estimated Buildings Destroyed, Population Impacted, Fire Behavior Index, Flame length, Rate of Spread

“e”: Expected

POF: Probability of Failure

  • The POF model looks at all sustained outages that could potentially cause ignition (such
    as equipment failure, object contact, vegetation contact, etc.) and integrates them with
    historical weather data to create dynamic circuit fragility curves. These curves consist of
    a static probability of failure, representing the POF in windless conditions, and the
    dynamic exponential increase due to wind.

POI: Probability of Ignition

  • Environmental variables such as the National Fire Danger Rating System’s ignition component are used to generate a POI estimate. The Ignition Component evaluates fuel, fuel dryness, and wind speed to determine the likelihood of a wildfire starting from burning material on the ground.

Length (ft):

PctCovered: Percent Covered

  • The percent the asset is covered using the calculation:  sum(length covered)/sum(length) to identify what percentage of a segment is considered covered.

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