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App Access & Logging In

Access to Wildfire Analyst FireRisk requires an account on the Wildfire Analyst portal for your organization/agency.

Getting an Account

Access to WFA FireRisk requires an account. To obtain an account, please contact your organization/agency lead.

The Wildfire Analyst Portal

WFA Portal Homepage

The Wildfire Analyst Portal provides access to your Wildfire Analyst Web applications. This includes FireRisk and user management.

You should have received a link to the FireRisk tool during your onboarding and training sessions. Make sure to bookmark this link. As a reminder or if you misplace this link, the WFA Portal can be found at www.[yourutility]

Logging In to the Portal

WFA Portal Login Screen

To log into the Wildfire Analyst Portal, use the WFA Portal username/email and password that your account is associated with.

Click Login on the homepage to access the login page.

Accessing Wildfire Analyst Web

WFA Portal Applications Screen

Once you have logged into the WFA Portal, you’ll be taken to the Applications screen.

Click on FireRisk to open the application.

You can also access Wildfire Analyst Web directly through: www.[yourutility]

Reset Your password

WFA Portal Reset Screen

To reset your password from the login screen, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the WFA Portal

  2. Click Login to go to the login screen

  3. Click Forgot Password?

  4. Enter the email associated with your WFA account

  5. Click Send Email

  6. You will receive an email with a link to create a new password. Click Set New Password in the email and follow the instructions and steps outlined in the email.

My Profile

WFA Portal Account My Profile Screen

To access your user profile follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log into the WFA Portal or Wildfire Analyst Web

  2. Click on the user profile icon in the top right corner of the screen

  3. Click My Profile in the pop up card.

The color and icon for your user profile icon may vary depending on your assigned role.

Edit Your Profile

To edit the information on your profile, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to your profile on the WFA Portal

  2. Click Edit Profile

  3. Make any necessary changes

  4. Click Save to apply the changes

Depending on the changes made, you may be required to login again.

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