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What is Wildfire Analyst?

Wildfire Analyst

WFA suite.

Wildfire Analyst is a cloud-based SaaS offering that provides on-demand wildfire spread prediction capabilities to support operational response, what-if scenario analysis, with wildfire risk forecasting. The integration with advanced weather prediction data affords the development of hourly risk forecasts up to five days in advance.

Millions of wildfire spread simulations are conducted daily to derive these accurate risk metrics reflecting where fires will spread and the possible impacts from those fires. The spread simulations derive potential impacts providing the baseline for consequence analysis and operational decision making

Benefits & Features

Working closely with the leading wildfire management agencies, electric utilities and private industry customers, Technosylva has successfully developed and implemented a suite of wildfire analysis products that are specifically designed to meet the needs of operational response and mitigation planning.

  • Proactive Risk Forecasting - Predict wildfire risk days in advance to support operational decision making for de-energization, setting readiness levels, EOC activation and resource allocation.

  • Risk Mitigation - Quantifying asset and territory risk to inform on the most effective mitigation and asset hardening options.

  • Wildfire Spread predictions - On-demand spread predictions in response to active incidents, and to support proactive planning through “what if” scenario analysis for pending weather events.

  • Impact & Consequence Analysis - Understanding the potential impacts and consequences of a wildfire is essential to support operational decision making, resource prioritization, and proactive planning.

  • Data Integration - WFA serves as an integration hub providing a single environment for integrating real-time tracking, detection, weather and risk data, models and technologies with no user interaction.

Authoritative Wildfire Solution

Wildfire Analyst has been adopted by CAL FIRE and electric utility companies across the Western US as their authoritative wildfire modeling platform. CAL FIRE selected Wildfire Analyst alone from more than 130 submissions to their Request for Innovative Ideas initiative. WFA has been battle tested since 2017 in California with more than 30 billion simulations conducted. It provides the definitive data source for FMAG and PSPS decision making in the state.

Learn more about Wildfire Analyst at


Territory risk for the service territory.

Wildfire risk forecasting that provides critical insights into future weather and fire danger scenarios. A new risk forecast is produced daily with a 100+ hour horizon. Risk metrics are calculated every 1-3 hours for the entire forecast period.

FireRisk integrates advanced weather forecasts with WFA FireSim modeling to perform hundreds of millions of fire simulations daily to derive both current, and near-term risk forecasts for customer service territories and critical assets.  New forecasts are derived daily, sometimes twice a day, to provide accurate and timely analysis of possible wildfire events..

Baseline risk and consequence metrics are derived identifying population, buildings and critical facilities that may be impacted. For electric utility customers, risk metrics are calculated hourly for infrastructure assets to support possible PSPS de-energization analysis, as well as EOC activation, stakeholder and public notification, and resource allocation and deployment.

Advanced analysis is undertaken to estimate the number of buildings destroyed or severely damaged if a wildfire were to occur. This advanced analysis leverages the rich historical data repository developed by Technosylva employed in Machine Learning models to accurately analyze potential building loss.

Learn more about FireRisk at

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