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CAL FIRE Critical Facilities

Facility data was obtained directly from the CAL FIRE FRAP web site - and include the following classes:

  •  Fire Station - Schedule B

  • Fire Station - Schedule A/B

  • Fire Station - Schedule A

  • Fire Station - Contract County (Greybook)

  • Fire Station - Local

  • Air Attack Base

  • Helitack Base

  • Combined Communications Site and Lookout

  • Communications Site

  • Conservation Camp

  • Youth Conservation Camp

  • Interagency Emergency Command Center

  • Emergency Command Center

  • Operations Center

  • Lookout

  • Sacramento Administration

  • State Fire Marshal Office

  • Region Headquarters

  • Unit Headquarters

  • Headquarters (Contract County)

  • Equipment Facility

  • Training Center

  • Demonstration Site Area

  • Nursery

  • State Forest Visitor Center

The facilities data is used as reference layers in the FireRisk/FireSim application.

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