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Computer & Network Operating Specifications


Wildfire Analyst – FireRisk & FireSim Desktop Applications

Computer and Network Operating Specifications

This document provides a summary of minimum and preferred specifications for desktop or laptop computers required to run the Wildfire Analyst FireRisk and FireSim desktop software. FireRisk/FireSim are combined into a single standard Windows application that can be run on a desktop or laptop computer. The software utilizes a conventional Windows installation program. The application requires an Internet connection to access the Wildfire Analyst Enterprise cloud servers to download daily risk forecasts and submit and retrieve on-demand fire spread predictions.  The Internet connection is also required to serve basemaps for the map canvas and reference map layer services.

Individual Computer Hardware Requirements





Operating System

Windows 10 Home, Pro and Enterprise (64 bit) build 1803 or later

Windows 10 Home, Pro and Enterprise (64 bit) build 1803 or later

Windows 10 Home, Pro and Enterprise (64 bit) build 1803 or later

CPU Processor

i5 – 11xx series – 4 Cores

i7 – 10xx series - 6 Cores

i7 – >10 Cores or i9


16 GB

≥ 16 GB

≥ 32

Disk space*

512 GB SSD

≥ 512 GB SSD

≥ 512 GB PCIe M.2 SSD

Display properties,
Screen resolution

24-bit color depth

(1) Full HD Monitor (1920 x 1080)

24-bit color depth

(2) Full HD Monitors (1920 x 1080) or one 4K Monitor (3840 x 2160)

24-bit color depth

(2) 4k Monitors (3840 x 2160)

Video/Graphics adapter**

Dedicated graphics card

NVIDIA GTX 1650, AMD Radeon RX 5600, NVIDIA Quadro T2000

Dedicated graphics card

NVIDIA GTX 2060, NVIDIA Quadro P5200

Two HDMI/display port output

Dedicated graphics card

NVIDIA GTX 2070, NVIDIA Quadro RTX4000

Two 4K HDMI/display port output

  • A SSD drive is preferred due to the large data volumes as data is stored locally.

** The use of a 3-D map globe and display of large map data files necessitates a fast dedicated graphics/video card on the computer. The minimum requirements match most MS Surface Pro laptops and will work fine.  Higher resolution video and monitors will enhance visualization capabilities and viewing of multiple data panels.

Network Requirements

Adequate bandwidth and connectivity for the FireRisk/FireSim installation is required to facilitate access to the cloud-based Wildfire Analyst Enterprise servers. This is required to:

  • Download daily forecasts to the local client computer. Once downloaded, minimal connectivity is required since the application works on the local data files. These files are typically in the 200 mb size and accordingly download very quickly.

  • Submit and retrieve wildfire spread simulations, although the data files are very small and transfer quickly.  Once downloaded the files operate locally on both the FireSim desktop and mobile applications.  Typically, prediction results download in 1-5 seconds to the local device.

  • Basemap services are used for the map canvas in the FireRisk and FireSim applications.  These are publicly available map services and required connectivity.  Use of local basemap TPK files is supported and this can eliminate the need for use of Internet map services for the map canvas globe base map.






Network Download Speed

7 Mbps

≥ 15 Mbps

≥ 40 Mbps

Network Upload Speed

2 Mbps

≥ 8 Mbps

≥ 10 Mbps

Software Prerequisites

Installation of the following prerequisites are required:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express LocalDB

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2019 v14.29

  • Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime Installer

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