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March 22, 2023 - v

New Features!

1. Improved application launch time

2. Added Extended Attack Metrics in the Risk Forecast Tool

H3 hexagon-based metrics include:

i. Extended Attack Assessment

ii. Evaporative Demand Drought Index

iii. Fuel Complexity

iv. Lifted Index

v. Convective Flag

vi. Terrain Difficulty Index

vii. Vapor Pressure Deficit

viii. Wind Speed

3. Added a custom weather tool to FireSim

4. Added a new Map Report for simulations

5. San Diego Unit code renamed from MVU to SDU

6. Fixed the Alert Camera network to show both AlertWildfire and AlertCalifornia cameras

Main Tools

7. Risk Forecast

a. Changed “Metric” to Initial Attack Metrics

b. Added, renamed, and re-ordered Initial Attack Metrics

New Name

Old Name

Fire Size Potential (ac)

Fire Size Potential

Population Impacted

Population Impacted

Buildings Threatened

Buildings Impacted

Estimated Buildings Destroyed


Fire Behavior Index

Fire Behavior Index

Initial Attack Assessment


Response Complexity


Rate Of Spread (ch/h)

Rate Of Spread

Flame Length (ft)

Flame Length

c. Added Extended Attack Metrics as H3 hexagon-based metrics

i. Extended Attack Assessment

ii. Evaporative Demand Drought Index

iii. Fuel Complexity

iv. Lifted Index

v. Convective Flag

vi. Terrain Difficulty Index

vii. Vapor Pressure Deficit

viii. Wind Speed

8. FireSim

a. Under Adjust Data, added ability to use a Custom Weather File for simulations. This allows users to change multiple weather inputs by hour

b. Added a new report type: Map Report

i. This is a one-page report with a large map and any buildings or transmission lines impacted by the simulation

9. FireRisk Identify

a. Added Risk Values: Response Complexity and Initial Attack Assessment

b. Added tab for Extended Attack Metrics

Integration Tools

10. Weather Stations

Added a shortcut to Weather Settings

11. LFM Stations

LFM Stations can be displayed by minimum moisture readings. Only stations with readings in the last 60 days are displayed. To symbolize stations by moisture readings, go to Settings > Weather Defaults and scroll to the bottom.

Navigation Tools & Miscellaneous Tools

12. Added a Fuel Calculator Tool

This is a permissions-based fuel calculator tool intended to provide FBANs information on the behavior of fuels with charts and graphs


13. Added ability to change GPS Tracking 3D model size

14. Added ability to enable an enhanced trace log to help trace connectivity issues

Bug Fixes

15. Resolved credentials bug for Aerial Intel Heat Point

16. Fixed bug when importing KMZ files for the Measurement and Impact Tool

17. Improved performance when using the WindNinja option for simulations

18. Fixed bug that caused the application to crash when searching for an incident in the FireSim tool

19. Fixed the Alert Camera network issue

20. Updated error messages and spelling throughout

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