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On-Demand Spread Prediction Outputs (FireSim)

The following table presents a summary of the risk outputs derived for the on-demand fire spread predictions derived using the FireSim desktop and mobile applications. All outputs are provided as exportable GIS data and also summarized in a report for each prediction.

On-Demand Fire Spread Prediction Output Data (FireSim)


Format/ Resolution


Time of Arrival

Raster 30 m

Fire spread prediction depicted as a raster fire perimeter representing fire time of arrival for each cell.

Fire Perimeter

Hourly Polygons / Shapefile

Fire spread prediction depicted as a hourly polygons. Can be exported to shapefile and XLS table.

Fire Behavior

Raster 30 m

A series of charts and raster output map layers depicting conventional fire behavior outputs Rate of Spread, Flame Length, Fireline Intensity, Crown Fire Potential.

Buildings Impacted

Total Number

Total number of buildings impacted during the duration of the prediction.  Each building impacted will include time of impact, and time since ignition. This includes both summary and spatial location.

Population Impacted

Total Number

Total number of population impacted by hour for the duration of the prediction. This includes both summary and spatial location.

Acres Burned

Number of Acres

Summary of possible acres burned by hour for the duration of the prediction. This data is numeric only.

Time of Arrival


Ability to export the TOA raster data as a Google Earth KMZ file.

Crown Fire Type

Raster 30 m

Torching (1), Conditional (2), Crowning (3)

Fire Paths

Raster 30 m

Minimum travel time depiction of fire paths

Wind Barbs

2 km

Wind speed in barbs, long lines are 10 mph, short lines are 5 mph.

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