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Risk Forecast Output Data (FireRisk)

Risk is calculated for two different set of ignition points within a project area. These are:

  1. Asset Risk - ignition points associated with electric utility infrastructure overhead assets

  2. Territory Wide Risk - a regular grid of ignition points across a service territory.

Independent of the ignition source, a consistent set of risk metrics are calculated and assigned back to the ignition locations.

the following table provides a summary of the risk outputs that are derived for the daily risk forecasts and available in the FireRisk application.

Risk Forecast Output Data



Risk Associated with Ignition Locations

(either Asset or Territory Wide ignition locations)

  • Risk metric based on number of buildings impacted assigned to every ignition point. This is used to create a raster continuous hourly map of buildings risk.

  • Risk metric based on population impacted assigned to every ignition point. This is used to create a raster continuous hourly map of population risk.

  • Risk metric based on number of acres burned assigned to every ignition point. This is used to create a raster continuous hourly map of potential acres burned (i.e. fire size potential).


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