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Surface Fuels & Canopy Fuels Data

Technosylva 2020 Surface Fuels & Canopy Fuels Data

The Technosylva 2020 Surface Fuels are the primary source dataset. This group of layers includes the main Layer for fire behavior modeling, the Fuel models SB40 (Scott & Burgan methodology) updated with Technosylva WUI land cover categories

Crown fuels are derived and updated from Technosylva 2020 data. These layers are:

  • CBD (Canopy Bulk Density)

  • CBH (Canopy Base Height)

  • CC (Canopy Cover)

  • CH (Canopy Height)

Surface and crown fuels are updated to incorporate disturbances and regrowth in burn areas in pre-fire season, monthly during fire season, and finally at the end of fire season.

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