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Search Bar

The search tool allows you to quickly navigate to an area of interest. Once the search tool is opened, the search bar will allow you to search for specific locations or lat/long. You may also search for previously run simulations.

The search bar is located at the top left corner of the map screen. It can be used to search for a specific location to help you narrow down your area of interest quicker. You can either search for an address or enter latitude and longitude (lat/long) coordinates (ex. 38.197168, -120.241150).

Once you have entered the lat/ long, you will need to tap the enter button on the keyboard to complete the search. The entered lat/ long will then appear in the search results, where you can select that lat/ long to view the location on the map.

Note: While viewing a simulation, the search bar will disappear to dedicate more screen real estate to the map and simulation. Once the simulation is closed, the search bar will reappear allowing you to search for a new location.

Search for Simulation Locations

You may search for sim ignition locations by using the search bar on the map screen.

Once the sim is selected on the search list, a location pin will be dropped. You may edit and move the location pin as needed.

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