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Adding Custom Variables and Selecting a Weather Station

To explore data for historical weather, navigate to

Select graph on the tool bar on the left, and add new plot.

Use the drop-down menu to select variables to add to your graph: 

Variables to add: 

  • Wind speed

  • Wind direction 

  • Wind gust 

  • Fuel moisture

Your selection will be added to the bottom of the pop-up window under SELECTIONS. Tip: Click the X to remove a selection. 

Selecting a weather station

Filter stations by using the filter networks search bar. The default is set to include all station networks. 

Zoom in on the map to find a weather station of interest. Hover over the blue dots on the map to view the weather station name. Once you have found a weather station of interest, click on the blue dot. 

A list of the reported variables for the weather station will appear. If you wish to continue, click confirm.

Selecting a Date and Time for Weather Station Data 

A graph of the weather station wind speed, wind gust, wind direction, and fuel moisture will appear.

By default, the graph will display data for today’s date. To view historical data, change the date on the left menu by clicking the 3 dots next to today’s date. Toggle on Historic, and change the date and time by using the calendar tool.

To change the duration of the weather forecast, select the “1 day” header. A maximum of 7 days can be added. 

NOTE: Open the settings gear icon to change the metrics of the graph (units, time, etc).

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